It's true and I will tell you why. But first, why "Too Asian?" What is Asia? To be politically correct, Asia REALLY stretches from Japan ALL the way to Turkey and includes all the countries in between - China, Iran, Iraq, India, Pakistan, former Soviet Union countries. Ironically, when people say "Asia," people quickly think China. Apparently, Asia means China. Indonesia and Malaysia is South Asia. Iran and Iraq is the Middle East. Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan is former Soviet nations.
Seriously, Asia actually includes the Middle East, South Asia, India AND the former Soviet nations. Eureka!
I don't understand the "controversy" to this article. I fully understand where it's coming from. The unfortunate part is, as Chinese immigrants who came to Canada (mostly Hong Kong during the pre-handover), it was almost drilled into are mindset that the only good university is University of Toronto and nothing else. Personally, I don't see why, even though I'm Chinese...
Also, for Chinese culture, the only successful and respectable professions are: lawyers and doctors, and anything else are looked down on. Since University of Toronto have a great law and medical program, it is only nature for Chinese parents to want their children to go to the best school. But why are people up and arms over the issue? It's the Chinese community that made it "too Asian." And I didn't want to go to UofT either because of the stigma that was attached to it. Anything that's not University of Toronto is a sub-university and not worthy of going.
I don't think Mclean's article was making any racial comments other then stating the fact that we, the Chinese community, has put a prestige on University of Toronto among the culture.
The throw a different angle...
Is Markham "too Asian?"
Is Richmond, BC and Richmond Hill, ON "too Rich?" (Seriously, lots of Chinese live here because of "Rich"mond)
Is Agincourt (division of Scarborough) "too Brown?" (due to the rise in Indian/Sri Lankan population in past 10 years)
The most important question really...
Live. Love. Respect.
Friday, December 17, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Sometime I wish Toronto had Hazel McCallion as mayor...
Mississauga only too pleased to take Toronto’s light rail money
Considering the fact that Hazel McCallion is turning 92 or something like that. She may be ancient but she's done a better job then last 3 mayors combined.
Rob Ford better have a plan... but he may have a point in cancelling the Transit City.
Having the Light Rail Transit really doesn't work around Toronto. The streets are too narrow and there are WAAAY too many cars. However, the LRT in Mississauga works.
The ultimate solution to this transit problem is easy but the problem is money (leaving cost out of the equation). How it will be charged, who will collect and which city get what share. That is probably why Metrolinx works so well. One system, one payment, one transit.
The 4 transit system in GTA should consider amalgamate into one (Mississauga Transit, Brampton Transit, York Region Transit, Toronto Trasit Commission and the Durham Transit). How many people live in one end of the city and work in the other end? PLENTY.
There's also talk and work in progress for expansion to Downsview subway station to York University and into Vaughan. But what about the others?
Kipling should be extended to Square One in Missisauga, then Missisauga Transit and Brampton Transit can build the LRT on Hurontatio/Hwy 10.
Kennedy Station NEEDS to be extended considering that was the original intention back in the 80s when the Scarborough RT was built. Really, 30 years later, that still is incomplete... go and connect Kennedy Station to Scarborough Town Centre and might be useful to connect THAT to Pickering Town Centre.
Since the Downsview is being extended to Vaughan Business Centre... Finch station should be extended too and why not? There are lots more people living in York Region that works in Toronto so, it would only be logical to extend Finch Station to Major Mac, even to just Hwy 7 would work.
And then there's the "subway line to nowhere," you know what I'm talking about... Sheppard. That was build in 2002 with the idea that it will be extending westward... well, go and complete that!
Ideally, THIS is what the Toronto subway system should look like...

We would finally have a subway system that REACHES the airport...
We would have a way of getting people to work in Toronto from Mississauga
While the East expansion to Pickering would not be a high priority, it would truely connect the GTA from East to West.
You want people to drive less and be more dependent on transit?? Make the transit easy to access to and from work!
But the system will be new trains that travels faster then 70km/h... yes, the TTC subway only travels at 70km/h... Street cars only go at 50km/h and buses ranges from 50-70km/h depending on the traffic and the driver... and some people wonder why some other people prefer driving to get to places...
The only thing missing is probably a subway line that runs on Eglinton from the airport to Kennedy station with stations in; Jane & Black Creek area, Eglinton W, Eglinton (on Yonge), Sunnybrook Hospital, and location somewhere in Victoria Park/Eglinton area before ending on Kennedy Station. However, I don't think there would be enough user to justify construction for this line, an underground LRT could possibly work.

While THIS would be the utlimate solution... but it just seem too logical for the people at TTC to comprehend.
Considering the fact that Hazel McCallion is turning 92 or something like that. She may be ancient but she's done a better job then last 3 mayors combined.
Rob Ford better have a plan... but he may have a point in cancelling the Transit City.
Having the Light Rail Transit really doesn't work around Toronto. The streets are too narrow and there are WAAAY too many cars. However, the LRT in Mississauga works.
The ultimate solution to this transit problem is easy but the problem is money (leaving cost out of the equation). How it will be charged, who will collect and which city get what share. That is probably why Metrolinx works so well. One system, one payment, one transit.
The 4 transit system in GTA should consider amalgamate into one (Mississauga Transit, Brampton Transit, York Region Transit, Toronto Trasit Commission and the Durham Transit). How many people live in one end of the city and work in the other end? PLENTY.
There's also talk and work in progress for expansion to Downsview subway station to York University and into Vaughan. But what about the others?
Kipling should be extended to Square One in Missisauga, then Missisauga Transit and Brampton Transit can build the LRT on Hurontatio/Hwy 10.
Kennedy Station NEEDS to be extended considering that was the original intention back in the 80s when the Scarborough RT was built. Really, 30 years later, that still is incomplete... go and connect Kennedy Station to Scarborough Town Centre and might be useful to connect THAT to Pickering Town Centre.
Since the Downsview is being extended to Vaughan Business Centre... Finch station should be extended too and why not? There are lots more people living in York Region that works in Toronto so, it would only be logical to extend Finch Station to Major Mac, even to just Hwy 7 would work.
And then there's the "subway line to nowhere," you know what I'm talking about... Sheppard. That was build in 2002 with the idea that it will be extending westward... well, go and complete that!
Ideally, THIS is what the Toronto subway system should look like...

We would finally have a subway system that REACHES the airport...
We would have a way of getting people to work in Toronto from Mississauga
While the East expansion to Pickering would not be a high priority, it would truely connect the GTA from East to West.
You want people to drive less and be more dependent on transit?? Make the transit easy to access to and from work!
But the system will be new trains that travels faster then 70km/h... yes, the TTC subway only travels at 70km/h... Street cars only go at 50km/h and buses ranges from 50-70km/h depending on the traffic and the driver... and some people wonder why some other people prefer driving to get to places...
The only thing missing is probably a subway line that runs on Eglinton from the airport to Kennedy station with stations in; Jane & Black Creek area, Eglinton W, Eglinton (on Yonge), Sunnybrook Hospital, and location somewhere in Victoria Park/Eglinton area before ending on Kennedy Station. However, I don't think there would be enough user to justify construction for this line, an underground LRT could possibly work.
While THIS would be the utlimate solution... but it just seem too logical for the people at TTC to comprehend.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Sins of the Past
The first episode of Xena... I absolutely love this episode and can't really find a flaw in it.
Love the opening scene. It opens with a distinctive instrument. I think it's a double reed shawm, it is loud and sharp sound. As Xena rides, we get flashback episodes from Hercules. It worked nicely. I guess the producers assumed you had already seen the "Xena Trilogy" in the first season of Hercules so, not much is said until Xena hears a sound from a burnt house in which a kid comes out and ask for food. The kid explains that his parents were killed by Xena who "came out of the sky in a chariot."
Here's the first scene, I don't really get. Xena, feeling somewhat responsible, just tosses down a wrapped item. The kid opens the item to find a piece of bread (or cheese, some half circle) and smiles back as Xena rides away. Problem: the way the kid is smiling seems odd, it wasn't a "thank you" smile but more of the "oh yes, i tricked you, haha" smile.
Xena had already decided to give up fighting and began burying her equipment. My problem here is, does that white undergarment REALLY fit underneath that leather? I think not! Anyway, while in this "goodbye, warrior princess" look she hears sounds and "hides" behind the bush. We are finally introduced to the character Gabrielle. She decided to risk her life so the others could be free. Of course, Xena comes in a save the day and the first time we hear the infamous battle cry.
Skipping ahead...
Next scene that I enjoy is the cyclop scene with Xena and then a later with Gabrielle. I love how they used 2 different angles on the shot. The cyclop standing close to the camera while Xena/Gabrielle are standing far away. By the way, did anyone notice how Xena called her horse a boy as she went over the bridge?
The scene between Xena and her mother is very touching. You see the hate and the love at the same time. Xena tried to explain Draco is going attack the village but no one would listen and a mob is gathered.
Best line of the episode?
"What? Is one woman too much for you? Let me even the odds, one UNarmed woman might be more to your taste."
As Xena is about to be stoned by her people, Gabrielle arrives. I love how she use false logic to convince the villages.
"Let's say you're right and she's Draco buddy, let's even make her his girlfriend. You think Draco is bad news now? What would happen if he hears you knocked off his woman? Boy, it gives me the creeps to even think about it."
In the next scene, we see Xena visiting her dead brother. What I do find odd is Gabrielle following Xena INTO the catacomb/chamber. Seriously, it's a private moment and Gabrielle just decided that she can just come in. But of course...
Xena: It's hard to be alone
Gabrielle: You're not alone.
My favourite scene of the episode is probably the ladder fight between Draco and Xena. Awesome soundtrack, awesome fighting choreograph aaaannnd fighting on heads... and happy ending.
Campfire secene at the end was a nice touch.
Xena: It's not easy proving you're a different person.
The episode ends on a positive note:
Xena: You know where I'm headed, there'll be trouble.
Gabrielle: I know.
Xena: So why would you want to go into that with me?
Gabrielle: That's what friends do, they stand by each other when there's trouble.
Xena: Alright, friend.
I've watched this episode so many times and still love it. I'm not sure how else the episodes can be done differently...
Love the opening scene. It opens with a distinctive instrument. I think it's a double reed shawm, it is loud and sharp sound. As Xena rides, we get flashback episodes from Hercules. It worked nicely. I guess the producers assumed you had already seen the "Xena Trilogy" in the first season of Hercules so, not much is said until Xena hears a sound from a burnt house in which a kid comes out and ask for food. The kid explains that his parents were killed by Xena who "came out of the sky in a chariot."
Here's the first scene, I don't really get. Xena, feeling somewhat responsible, just tosses down a wrapped item. The kid opens the item to find a piece of bread (or cheese, some half circle) and smiles back as Xena rides away. Problem: the way the kid is smiling seems odd, it wasn't a "thank you" smile but more of the "oh yes, i tricked you, haha" smile.
Xena had already decided to give up fighting and began burying her equipment. My problem here is, does that white undergarment REALLY fit underneath that leather? I think not! Anyway, while in this "goodbye, warrior princess" look she hears sounds and "hides" behind the bush. We are finally introduced to the character Gabrielle. She decided to risk her life so the others could be free. Of course, Xena comes in a save the day and the first time we hear the infamous battle cry.
Skipping ahead...
Next scene that I enjoy is the cyclop scene with Xena and then a later with Gabrielle. I love how they used 2 different angles on the shot. The cyclop standing close to the camera while Xena/Gabrielle are standing far away. By the way, did anyone notice how Xena called her horse a boy as she went over the bridge?
The scene between Xena and her mother is very touching. You see the hate and the love at the same time. Xena tried to explain Draco is going attack the village but no one would listen and a mob is gathered.
Best line of the episode?
"What? Is one woman too much for you? Let me even the odds, one UNarmed woman might be more to your taste."
As Xena is about to be stoned by her people, Gabrielle arrives. I love how she use false logic to convince the villages.
"Let's say you're right and she's Draco buddy, let's even make her his girlfriend. You think Draco is bad news now? What would happen if he hears you knocked off his woman? Boy, it gives me the creeps to even think about it."
In the next scene, we see Xena visiting her dead brother. What I do find odd is Gabrielle following Xena INTO the catacomb/chamber. Seriously, it's a private moment and Gabrielle just decided that she can just come in. But of course...
Xena: It's hard to be alone
Gabrielle: You're not alone.
My favourite scene of the episode is probably the ladder fight between Draco and Xena. Awesome soundtrack, awesome fighting choreograph aaaannnd fighting on heads... and happy ending.
Campfire secene at the end was a nice touch.
Xena: It's not easy proving you're a different person.
The episode ends on a positive note:
Xena: You know where I'm headed, there'll be trouble.
Gabrielle: I know.
Xena: So why would you want to go into that with me?
Gabrielle: That's what friends do, they stand by each other when there's trouble.
Xena: Alright, friend.
I've watched this episode so many times and still love it. I'm not sure how else the episodes can be done differently...
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
TV show 15 years later
it's funny watching dvds and look at shows from 15 years ago and see what's changed and what hasn't changed.
A few months ago, I watched through Season 1 - 3 (missing season 4 dvd) of Lois and Clark: New Adventures of Superman. The way they did the show in 1993 and it still look modern in 2010. That's pretty amazing.
But my favourite show on the 90s are Hercules: The Legendary Journey and Xena: Warrior Princess. Can't explain why but I can watch these shows over and over again. I had other shows I loved watching in the 90s like Star Trek: Voyager (how can you not love Kate Mulgrew??) and The New Adventure of Sinbad (but a bit of a tacky version of Hercules and Xena) but there was something about Hercules and Xena that captured my imagination. It could be because it was set in ancient Greece or it could be the story or it could be the relationship of the characters of the show. Who knows?
But I decided to dig the DVDs out and start watching them again from season 1... so, I might write episode reviews from 15 years later. lol A different perspective and maybe catch something I didn't notice before...
A few months ago, I watched through Season 1 - 3 (missing season 4 dvd) of Lois and Clark: New Adventures of Superman. The way they did the show in 1993 and it still look modern in 2010. That's pretty amazing.
But my favourite show on the 90s are Hercules: The Legendary Journey and Xena: Warrior Princess. Can't explain why but I can watch these shows over and over again. I had other shows I loved watching in the 90s like Star Trek: Voyager (how can you not love Kate Mulgrew??) and The New Adventure of Sinbad (but a bit of a tacky version of Hercules and Xena) but there was something about Hercules and Xena that captured my imagination. It could be because it was set in ancient Greece or it could be the story or it could be the relationship of the characters of the show. Who knows?
But I decided to dig the DVDs out and start watching them again from season 1... so, I might write episode reviews from 15 years later. lol A different perspective and maybe catch something I didn't notice before...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
MacBeth, Act V, Scene v, ln 19-28
After all is said and done, was it worth it?
All the hard work, pain, sweat, success and failure; but all will be for nothing. No one remembers what you did, how much you made, who you loved. No one remembers your name, where you were born, where you lived.
To be told you are not good enough, a disappointment, who you are is the reason you can't get hired or be loved.
As MacBeth said,
"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing."
We live to put on a show for others. We struggle to find ourselves, our reason to live and the meaning of life. But in the end, the effort we put in are forgotten. Those who tells the story with such conviction are ones who has never lived the life of lonliness, sadness, discrimination and unwantedness.
There are those that argue, life is worth living. There are friends and family who will miss you. And yet, when you look back, who was there for you when you needed someone? To have people you grew up with, who you thought were your friends, forget you like you never existed. To be in a group and realize you do not belong. To be in a group and you don't fit in. To be in a group and be left out. And to be in a group and know you shouldn't be here.
You do what you can to feel accepted. You keep changing who you are for others. You keep reinventing yourself and hope someday, someone will accept you. But that day never comes. We are nothing.
The look I see in your eyes tells all. You don't want me there. You don't want me anywhere. There is such cold and hate in your eyes. Yes, I can see it. Sometimes the silence speaks louder then words. You were given many opportunity. Yet, I hear nothing.
I shouldn't feel happy when you suffer. But it brings me such joy. Your pain and anger brings me such happiness. You suffer, I smile. The more your hurt, the more I feel lifted.
Welcome to the darkness where the true meaning of life lies. There is no escape. Embrace it. Celebrate it. Don't run away from it. It is who you are.
It doesn't matter what you do, death is our end. It is the answer. You cannot run away from it. The inevitable end. No use in fighting it.
I want to believe "it gets better" but it doesn't.
All the hard work, pain, sweat, success and failure; but all will be for nothing. No one remembers what you did, how much you made, who you loved. No one remembers your name, where you were born, where you lived.
To be told you are not good enough, a disappointment, who you are is the reason you can't get hired or be loved.
As MacBeth said,
"Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing."
We live to put on a show for others. We struggle to find ourselves, our reason to live and the meaning of life. But in the end, the effort we put in are forgotten. Those who tells the story with such conviction are ones who has never lived the life of lonliness, sadness, discrimination and unwantedness.
There are those that argue, life is worth living. There are friends and family who will miss you. And yet, when you look back, who was there for you when you needed someone? To have people you grew up with, who you thought were your friends, forget you like you never existed. To be in a group and realize you do not belong. To be in a group and you don't fit in. To be in a group and be left out. And to be in a group and know you shouldn't be here.
You do what you can to feel accepted. You keep changing who you are for others. You keep reinventing yourself and hope someday, someone will accept you. But that day never comes. We are nothing.
The look I see in your eyes tells all. You don't want me there. You don't want me anywhere. There is such cold and hate in your eyes. Yes, I can see it. Sometimes the silence speaks louder then words. You were given many opportunity. Yet, I hear nothing.
I shouldn't feel happy when you suffer. But it brings me such joy. Your pain and anger brings me such happiness. You suffer, I smile. The more your hurt, the more I feel lifted.
Welcome to the darkness where the true meaning of life lies. There is no escape. Embrace it. Celebrate it. Don't run away from it. It is who you are.
It doesn't matter what you do, death is our end. It is the answer. You cannot run away from it. The inevitable end. No use in fighting it.
I want to believe "it gets better" but it doesn't.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
more from Soul Calibur
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny - Character Creation

So, I just got a copy of Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny for PSP and I love how the series has a character creation. The possibility is endless!
I think I'll post my Soul Calibur 3 creatives too... I don't have Soul Calibur 4 yet (I don't even have a PS3!) so, Soul Calibur 3 and Soul Calibur: Broken Destiny will have to do...
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
407 - a love/hate relationship
There is an electronic toll route highway just north of Toronto, Hwy 407 aka Electronic Toll Route aka ETR aka 407ETR.
It's quite stupid that the government decided to lease out the business for 99 years because this route is actually a money making road that, as usual, the government, for whatever stupid reason (Liberals or Conservative), cannot run it as a profit business (see Ontario economy budget).
Now, the company that runs 407, I believe has kept the same type of billing system. Here is how it works:
- you lease a transponder, a device that tracks your entry and exit point on the highway
- the transponder is either $21.50/year or $2.50/month
- 2 types of transponder, light vehicles (cars) and heavy vehicles (transport trucks, and bus)
- approx 18¢/km for off-peak hours and approx 20¢/km for peak hours
Toll route doesn't really exist in Canada (mostly due to the taxes we pay) and if I remember correctly, people objected to paying to drive this highway. But if you look at it now, people use it like other roads.
So, why is it so good that it's also bad?
First, it saves time. You will get a few minute extra of sleep in the morning.
Second, convenient. If you live close to 407, it makes sense to use this then to drive down approx 15min to the alternative non-toll route Hwy 401.
Lastly, saves gas. Because you get on the highway right away and it's QUITE rare to see traffic jam on 407, it's smooth sailing.
Today, I went to Oakville (two town west of Toronto) and it was about 85km drive from my house. If I had used 401 to Oakville, I would be fighting traffic around Yonge St, then around Hwy 427, then Hurontario on Hwy 403 in Mississauga, THEN on QEW Oakville where the Ford plant it. This route without traffic would take approx 45min to 55min but with traffic in those area specified, I would guess about 2 hours and that is just normal traffic congestion. If an accident or a road closure happened somewhere along the way, I would guess it would take closer to 3 hours.
My route this morning was 407 to 403 to QEW and exit Dorval. It's approximately 80km. The only problem I bumped into was on QEW exiting to Dorval. Total time? 45min. On my way back, I took a slight different route since it was lunch time, traffic was not that bad and I went QEW to 403 to 427 to 407. I had to get back to work and couldn't tell if 401 was going to be nice during lunch time, so I decided to use 407. Total travel time? 30min.
Yes, you read that right. I drive FAST and blazed 407 like it was a racetrack with one hand on the wheel and a burger in the other. I was hungry, ok?
Total distance travelled; approximately 200km.
Total time on the road; approximately 2 hours.
Total cost on 407 round trip; $25
Total time saved; who knows but I'm going to guess that I saved 2 to 3 hours on the trip.
So, for $25, I saved myself 2 to 3 hours AND the headache of stuck in the traffic...
407... why do you have to be so convenient and so expensive at the same time?
It's quite stupid that the government decided to lease out the business for 99 years because this route is actually a money making road that, as usual, the government, for whatever stupid reason (Liberals or Conservative), cannot run it as a profit business (see Ontario economy budget).
Now, the company that runs 407, I believe has kept the same type of billing system. Here is how it works:
- you lease a transponder, a device that tracks your entry and exit point on the highway
- the transponder is either $21.50/year or $2.50/month
- 2 types of transponder, light vehicles (cars) and heavy vehicles (transport trucks, and bus)
- approx 18¢/km for off-peak hours and approx 20¢/km for peak hours
Toll route doesn't really exist in Canada (mostly due to the taxes we pay) and if I remember correctly, people objected to paying to drive this highway. But if you look at it now, people use it like other roads.
So, why is it so good that it's also bad?
First, it saves time. You will get a few minute extra of sleep in the morning.
Second, convenient. If you live close to 407, it makes sense to use this then to drive down approx 15min to the alternative non-toll route Hwy 401.
Lastly, saves gas. Because you get on the highway right away and it's QUITE rare to see traffic jam on 407, it's smooth sailing.
Today, I went to Oakville (two town west of Toronto) and it was about 85km drive from my house. If I had used 401 to Oakville, I would be fighting traffic around Yonge St, then around Hwy 427, then Hurontario on Hwy 403 in Mississauga, THEN on QEW Oakville where the Ford plant it. This route without traffic would take approx 45min to 55min but with traffic in those area specified, I would guess about 2 hours and that is just normal traffic congestion. If an accident or a road closure happened somewhere along the way, I would guess it would take closer to 3 hours.
My route this morning was 407 to 403 to QEW and exit Dorval. It's approximately 80km. The only problem I bumped into was on QEW exiting to Dorval. Total time? 45min. On my way back, I took a slight different route since it was lunch time, traffic was not that bad and I went QEW to 403 to 427 to 407. I had to get back to work and couldn't tell if 401 was going to be nice during lunch time, so I decided to use 407. Total travel time? 30min.
Yes, you read that right. I drive FAST and blazed 407 like it was a racetrack with one hand on the wheel and a burger in the other. I was hungry, ok?
Total distance travelled; approximately 200km.
Total time on the road; approximately 2 hours.
Total cost on 407 round trip; $25
Total time saved; who knows but I'm going to guess that I saved 2 to 3 hours on the trip.
So, for $25, I saved myself 2 to 3 hours AND the headache of stuck in the traffic...
407... why do you have to be so convenient and so expensive at the same time?
Monday, July 26, 2010
All-Blue Jays Team
I got bored and thought I should come up with a team of the All Blue Jays team...
1st Team
LF - George Bell (Always a threat with the bat, another player that I never got to watch)
CF - Lloyd Moseby (Again, never got to watch but was an integral part of the 80s team)
RF - Joe Carter (He played outfield before moving to 1B and who can forget his dramatic HR in 1993?)
1B - Carlos Delgado (I think this is a bias pick but I love Delgado, he brought out the bat and it has travelled to 500 level a few times and he's the all-time HR leader)
2B - Roberto Alomar (the soon to be Hall of Famer, you can't argue the way he played second base and hit the ball from both sides of the plate
SS - Tony Fernandez (kept coming back to the Blue Jays but he was great at his position
3B - Kelly Gruber (It was a triple play... the ump messed up)
DH - Paul Molitor (Hall of Famer, clutch hitter)
C - Pat Borders (World Series MVP in 1992 was critical in handling the 1992 staff that had David Cone, Juan Guzman, Jack Morris and Jimmy Key)
P - Roy Halladay (Cy Young, Perfect Game, best Blue Jays pitcher EVER)
RP - Jimmy Key (He was mostly a starter but was moved to the bullpen during the world series and did he dominate)
CP - Tom Henke (You know he'll close it for you)
2nd Team
LF - Rickey Henderson (even though he played just ONE season with the Jays in 1993, he was always a base stealing threat and now he's a Hall of Famer)
CF - Vernon Wells (I dont know if he should be on the list but his stats are up there on the all-time list)
RF - Jesse Barfield (one of those players I never got to watch but deserves a spot)
1B - John Oleurd (the smooth swinging 1st basement, won the batting title in 1993 with a .363 avg, I just like Delgado a bit more)
2B - Orlando Hudson (Got to love this guy, he makes things so easy)
SS - Alfredo Griffin (If it wasn't for Tony, I would have put him on the 1st team but both were great shortstop)
3B - Ed Sprague (Clutch hit in 1992 and was a decent 3B)
DH - Dave Winfield (It's a toss up between Winfield and Molitor on who's better but for Winfield, just remember 'Winfield wants noise')
C - Ernie Whitt (I've never watched any Jays games before 1992 but Ernie was an important part of the 80s)
P - Dave Stieb (Only Blue Jays pitcher to pitch a no-hitter)
RP - Mike Timlin (You know he can take over if your starting pitcher went down)
CP - Duane Ward (as good as Henke)
People I left off the list because I had no where to put them, I think a 3rd team could be put together with some names I left off
Devon White, Fred McGriff, Willie Upshaw, Todd Stottlemyer, Juan Guzman, Shawn Green
1st Team
LF - George Bell (Always a threat with the bat, another player that I never got to watch)
CF - Lloyd Moseby (Again, never got to watch but was an integral part of the 80s team)
RF - Joe Carter (He played outfield before moving to 1B and who can forget his dramatic HR in 1993?)
1B - Carlos Delgado (I think this is a bias pick but I love Delgado, he brought out the bat and it has travelled to 500 level a few times and he's the all-time HR leader)
2B - Roberto Alomar (the soon to be Hall of Famer, you can't argue the way he played second base and hit the ball from both sides of the plate
SS - Tony Fernandez (kept coming back to the Blue Jays but he was great at his position
3B - Kelly Gruber (It was a triple play... the ump messed up)
DH - Paul Molitor (Hall of Famer, clutch hitter)
C - Pat Borders (World Series MVP in 1992 was critical in handling the 1992 staff that had David Cone, Juan Guzman, Jack Morris and Jimmy Key)
P - Roy Halladay (Cy Young, Perfect Game, best Blue Jays pitcher EVER)
RP - Jimmy Key (He was mostly a starter but was moved to the bullpen during the world series and did he dominate)
CP - Tom Henke (You know he'll close it for you)
2nd Team
LF - Rickey Henderson (even though he played just ONE season with the Jays in 1993, he was always a base stealing threat and now he's a Hall of Famer)
CF - Vernon Wells (I dont know if he should be on the list but his stats are up there on the all-time list)
RF - Jesse Barfield (one of those players I never got to watch but deserves a spot)
1B - John Oleurd (the smooth swinging 1st basement, won the batting title in 1993 with a .363 avg, I just like Delgado a bit more)
2B - Orlando Hudson (Got to love this guy, he makes things so easy)
SS - Alfredo Griffin (If it wasn't for Tony, I would have put him on the 1st team but both were great shortstop)
3B - Ed Sprague (Clutch hit in 1992 and was a decent 3B)
DH - Dave Winfield (It's a toss up between Winfield and Molitor on who's better but for Winfield, just remember 'Winfield wants noise')
C - Ernie Whitt (I've never watched any Jays games before 1992 but Ernie was an important part of the 80s)
P - Dave Stieb (Only Blue Jays pitcher to pitch a no-hitter)
RP - Mike Timlin (You know he can take over if your starting pitcher went down)
CP - Duane Ward (as good as Henke)
People I left off the list because I had no where to put them, I think a 3rd team could be put together with some names I left off
Devon White, Fred McGriff, Willie Upshaw, Todd Stottlemyer, Juan Guzman, Shawn Green
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
... I think is a window to our subconcious; our wants, desires and needs.
Or maybe I'm thinking too much about it. However, if I wake up with "OMG... WTF?" it kind of makes you think.
Or maybe I'm thinking too much about it. However, if I wake up with "OMG... WTF?" it kind of makes you think.
Monday, July 12, 2010
Cottage weekend
Pictures from the Cottage
So here's some pictures from the weekend at the cottage on Parry Island First Nation just about 30min drive west of Parry Sound.
We left Toronto around 6 and stopped in Coldwater to pick up groceries and arrived in Parry Sound around 8:30 - an approximate travel distance of 250km and about 2.5 hours.
I think I have a love for the cottage now. I love the dark night where there's no light pollution to block out the stars. I did see the Milky Way and possibly some comet/metero.
On Saturday, we went on a 3 hour boat cruise, Queen Island Cruise around the Parry Islands (some 30,000 islands) and saw a lot of islands... lol I would love to someday buy one of these island and build my own cottage. After the cruise, we did some swimming and the played Balderdash on the boat. We had bbq for dinner and some of us took a night boat ride. It was interested because we couldn't see anything except for these reflective markers telling you where to go around some narrow waterways. We decided to start singing...
On Sunday, we took one last boat ride and we got to the middle of the lake for a swim. On our trip back, the engine decided to "give up." It sounded like someone had put the car into neutral while stepping on the gas. We went from 10 knots (approx. 20km/hr) to 1 or 2 knots (3-5km/hr). So, we were drifting our way back against the wind. We were able to yell at someone at the dock who, at first, we thought were unwilling to help us. Then as we drifted away and 200m away, they came to the rescue and towed us back to our dock. And the tow was faster then how we were moving. A few of us took one last swim at the lake before we went for clean up and pack up. Our original plan was to leave Parry Sound at 3... and hour awesome engine trouble pushed that time back to 6pm. But it was still fun. And we got back into town around 9:30.
So here's some pictures from the weekend at the cottage on Parry Island First Nation just about 30min drive west of Parry Sound.
We left Toronto around 6 and stopped in Coldwater to pick up groceries and arrived in Parry Sound around 8:30 - an approximate travel distance of 250km and about 2.5 hours.
I think I have a love for the cottage now. I love the dark night where there's no light pollution to block out the stars. I did see the Milky Way and possibly some comet/metero.
On Saturday, we went on a 3 hour boat cruise, Queen Island Cruise around the Parry Islands (some 30,000 islands) and saw a lot of islands... lol I would love to someday buy one of these island and build my own cottage. After the cruise, we did some swimming and the played Balderdash on the boat. We had bbq for dinner and some of us took a night boat ride. It was interested because we couldn't see anything except for these reflective markers telling you where to go around some narrow waterways. We decided to start singing...
On Sunday, we took one last boat ride and we got to the middle of the lake for a swim. On our trip back, the engine decided to "give up." It sounded like someone had put the car into neutral while stepping on the gas. We went from 10 knots (approx. 20km/hr) to 1 or 2 knots (3-5km/hr). So, we were drifting our way back against the wind. We were able to yell at someone at the dock who, at first, we thought were unwilling to help us. Then as we drifted away and 200m away, they came to the rescue and towed us back to our dock. And the tow was faster then how we were moving. A few of us took one last swim at the lake before we went for clean up and pack up. Our original plan was to leave Parry Sound at 3... and hour awesome engine trouble pushed that time back to 6pm. But it was still fun. And we got back into town around 9:30.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Ontario International (aka Scam)
Yes, this is a double post edition...
If anyone sends or calls you claiming you're a winner and they refer to you as "Award Winner" or "Mr./Mrs. Last Name" DON'T BELIEVE THEM.
Last week, I had someone called asking for Mrs. Yip to which I replied "Who's calling?" They just proceeded to tell me that I won a choice of 5 prizes and claimed that I entered a contest back in Dec 09 at a supermarket (Loblaws or Wal-Mart). I can say for certain that I DIDN'T enter anything. I thought, hey, let's entertain these people. I'm bored anyway.
They asked if I was in this age range and if I was married. I answered yes and no to those question. The next question was "do you have a boyfriend or someone?" I said, "No."
"But that's ok, you can still claim the prize. Because we just establish our business in Canada, all you need to do is to just tell your friends and family of how great we are. Now, I'm going to transfer you to my manager and he will tell you how to claim the prize."
Somehow that was enough info and he passed me onto "Steve Tark" who is a senior manager with the company. Predictably, Mr. Tark repeated the same thing "Congratulation, Mrs. Yip. You have won a wonderful choice of 5 prizes. Are you between the ages 23-65" (I think that was the range)
"Are you married?"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"That's ok, you can still come in and claim the prize. Just come to our office Thursday at 6pm. Our receptionist will answer all your questions. The receptionist will take you to our back room and you can pick your prize there."
Just so you know, this has already gone on about 15min by the time the call was transferred to Steve Tark.
"Do you have a first name?"
"I don't have the ballot with me, ma'am." (brilliant)
"So, who are you looking for? I have other people living here with the same last name."
"I understand ma'am but you can claim the prize."
"But you can't tell me who you're looking for?"
"As I said ma'am, the call was transferred to me and the ballot is in a different department."
"That's not my problem."
"I understand ma'am. But you can still claim the prize with the ticket number my staff gave you earlier. You can come in Thursday at 6pm."
"I'm busy."
"Not a problem, you can come in Saturday at 6pm or next Tuesday at 6pm."
"Nope, busy."
"When are you available?"
"Only Thursday from 3-4."
"Well, that is our business hour but let me see what I can do and I will give you a call back."
"Thank you and congratulation."
That's the rough conversation. It's been a week and they have not called back. It's kinda too bad I didn't write the number down... But here's the information of this "company" - Ontario International, 6175 Hwy 7 Unit 6 in Woodbridge.
Ironically, I do drive on Hwy 7 and specifically that area 2 times a week... So, I took a glace as I drove by on Hwy 7. AND as expected, there it was 6175 Hwy 7 Unit 6. Two cars parked in front. Front office light on. NO SIGN. I do not buy the "new building" argument. There are other businesses beside them and THEY have company sign.
If anyone sends or calls you claiming you're a winner and they refer to you as "Award Winner" or "Mr./Mrs. Last Name" DON'T BELIEVE THEM.
Last week, I had someone called asking for Mrs. Yip to which I replied "Who's calling?" They just proceeded to tell me that I won a choice of 5 prizes and claimed that I entered a contest back in Dec 09 at a supermarket (Loblaws or Wal-Mart). I can say for certain that I DIDN'T enter anything. I thought, hey, let's entertain these people. I'm bored anyway.
They asked if I was in this age range and if I was married. I answered yes and no to those question. The next question was "do you have a boyfriend or someone?" I said, "No."
"But that's ok, you can still claim the prize. Because we just establish our business in Canada, all you need to do is to just tell your friends and family of how great we are. Now, I'm going to transfer you to my manager and he will tell you how to claim the prize."
Somehow that was enough info and he passed me onto "Steve Tark" who is a senior manager with the company. Predictably, Mr. Tark repeated the same thing "Congratulation, Mrs. Yip. You have won a wonderful choice of 5 prizes. Are you between the ages 23-65" (I think that was the range)
"Are you married?"
"Do you have a boyfriend?"
"That's ok, you can still come in and claim the prize. Just come to our office Thursday at 6pm. Our receptionist will answer all your questions. The receptionist will take you to our back room and you can pick your prize there."
Just so you know, this has already gone on about 15min by the time the call was transferred to Steve Tark.
"Do you have a first name?"
"I don't have the ballot with me, ma'am." (brilliant)
"So, who are you looking for? I have other people living here with the same last name."
"I understand ma'am but you can claim the prize."
"But you can't tell me who you're looking for?"
"As I said ma'am, the call was transferred to me and the ballot is in a different department."
"That's not my problem."
"I understand ma'am. But you can still claim the prize with the ticket number my staff gave you earlier. You can come in Thursday at 6pm."
"I'm busy."
"Not a problem, you can come in Saturday at 6pm or next Tuesday at 6pm."
"Nope, busy."
"When are you available?"
"Only Thursday from 3-4."
"Well, that is our business hour but let me see what I can do and I will give you a call back."
"Thank you and congratulation."
That's the rough conversation. It's been a week and they have not called back. It's kinda too bad I didn't write the number down... But here's the information of this "company" - Ontario International, 6175 Hwy 7 Unit 6 in Woodbridge.
Ironically, I do drive on Hwy 7 and specifically that area 2 times a week... So, I took a glace as I drove by on Hwy 7. AND as expected, there it was 6175 Hwy 7 Unit 6. Two cars parked in front. Front office light on. NO SIGN. I do not buy the "new building" argument. There are other businesses beside them and THEY have company sign.
11th Google Anniversary
Are these scammers that stupid? First let me tell you that the sender is "" and look at the email address domain ending... Ar = Argentina? Why would they need to know the winner's sex, age and occupation? They are absolutely irrelevant information.
Google 11th Anniversary Awards Centre,
Unit 1, Royds Park, Whitehall Road, Leeds LS12 4TU, United Kingdom
Dear Award winner
Award Reference code: GOOGLE568A2010
File number: G255
This is to inform you that you have won yourself an Award of One million Five Hundred Thousand Pounds (GBP1500,000) in the Google 11 Years Anniversary Awards as organized by the Anniversary Centre of Google Inc., held on Sep 21st, 2009 in London, United Kingdom.
The Anniversary Centre of Google Inc selected your email id as of one it's 20 chosen fortunate winner to receive this award.
The Anniversary Centre of Google Inc as a part of their for-profit philanthropic wing (GOOGLE.ORG) promotion. Awards MUST be claimed by the email owner ONLY, not later than 30 days from the day of notification.
Award Reference code: GOOGLE568A2010
File number: G255
Send your complete personal information with your Award Ref. and File no. to us to enable us process your Prize;
1. Full name, 2. Country, 3. Contact Address, 4.Sex, 5. Age, 6. Occupation, 7. Telephone/Fax no., 8. Email. Yahoomail/gmail
Director of Peoples Operations: Mr. Laszlo Bock
Tel: +44 704 5788 887
Fax: +44 704 090 1883
Please do not reply if you are NOT the owner of this email address
Congratulations!! Sincerely Yours,
Google Management
After 11 years of establishment, Google Inc is worth over US$23 Billion with over 20,000 workers worldwide making it the best and most successful online search engine around the globe. Keep your Award information confidential.
Google 11th Anniversary Awards Centre,
Unit 1, Royds Park, Whitehall Road, Leeds LS12 4TU, United Kingdom
Dear Award winner
Award Reference code: GOOGLE568A2010
File number: G255
This is to inform you that you have won yourself an Award of One million Five Hundred Thousand Pounds (GBP1500,000) in the Google 11 Years Anniversary Awards as organized by the Anniversary Centre of Google Inc., held on Sep 21st, 2009 in London, United Kingdom.
The Anniversary Centre of Google Inc selected your email id as of one it's 20 chosen fortunate winner to receive this award.
The Anniversary Centre of Google Inc as a part of their for-profit philanthropic wing (GOOGLE.ORG) promotion. Awards MUST be claimed by the email owner ONLY, not later than 30 days from the day of notification.
Award Reference code: GOOGLE568A2010
File number: G255
Send your complete personal information with your Award Ref. and File no. to us to enable us process your Prize;
1. Full name, 2. Country, 3. Contact Address, 4.Sex, 5. Age, 6. Occupation, 7. Telephone/Fax no., 8. Email. Yahoomail/gmail
Director of Peoples Operations: Mr. Laszlo Bock
Tel: +44 704 5788 887
Fax: +44 704 090 1883
Please do not reply if you are NOT the owner of this email address
Congratulations!! Sincerely Yours,
Google Management
After 11 years of establishment, Google Inc is worth over US$23 Billion with over 20,000 workers worldwide making it the best and most successful online search engine around the globe. Keep your Award information confidential.
Monday, June 14, 2010
New Toronto Maple Leafs Captain - #3 Dion Phaneuf
I would like to add my 2cents to this discussion... and I do think this is an excellent decision for the club.
The type of player Dion is exemplifies some of the previous captains - big, strong and physical.
Like Burke has said, you don't name a captain just for the sake of naming a captain. This is the Toronto Maple Leafs for crying out loud... a hockey club with 80 or so years of history. You don't just pick anyone or "rotating captain" like Columbus or Nashville. When Sundin moved on, there was NO one to be captain and even as Schenn was pinned as "a future leader" he was not ready.
When trade with Calgary was made, there were indication that he may fulfill the captaincy role but even then, no one was really sure. But with the games he played in the blue and white, Dion made others better - especially Luke Schenn.
Clark and Gilmour were the heart and soul of the 90s Leafs, they had put the team on their shoulders and carried them to the conference finals. Sundin made anyone he played with better (remember Hoglund?) and Sundin also carried the team to some memorable series. Phaneuf has made others better but the question is, can he put the team on his back and carry it to the promise land?
Only time will tell if Dion Phaneuf will live up to the expectations being a Toronto Maple Leafs captain.
The type of player Dion is exemplifies some of the previous captains - big, strong and physical.
Like Burke has said, you don't name a captain just for the sake of naming a captain. This is the Toronto Maple Leafs for crying out loud... a hockey club with 80 or so years of history. You don't just pick anyone or "rotating captain" like Columbus or Nashville. When Sundin moved on, there was NO one to be captain and even as Schenn was pinned as "a future leader" he was not ready.
When trade with Calgary was made, there were indication that he may fulfill the captaincy role but even then, no one was really sure. But with the games he played in the blue and white, Dion made others better - especially Luke Schenn.
Clark and Gilmour were the heart and soul of the 90s Leafs, they had put the team on their shoulders and carried them to the conference finals. Sundin made anyone he played with better (remember Hoglund?) and Sundin also carried the team to some memorable series. Phaneuf has made others better but the question is, can he put the team on his back and carry it to the promise land?
Only time will tell if Dion Phaneuf will live up to the expectations being a Toronto Maple Leafs captain.
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Oh yes, more complains...
So, here's the thing, I understand that when you are applying for certain jobs that certain requirement/education are needed. When applying to a particular job, it is IDEAL to have the required degree/certification.
So, here's a posting for "Administrative Assistant"
Let's start with the FIRST line... there are things called Administrative Secretarial courses!? What do you learn in these course?? How to answer a phone? How to fix printer? How to greet people at the desk? How to use Purolator/FedEx for shipping? How to photocopy paper? How to make coffee for other people at the office? Really, do you even NEED secretarial training? And if you do, you probably don't have the social attitude for it anyway. And do you REALLY need 3 years of experience in administration?
Here's what comes to my mind when I see "Administrative Assistant"
- answer the phone
- reply emails
- probably make coffee in the morning if you're one of the first in the office
- photocopy paper
- send fax
- make shipment via postal outlet or Purolator/FedEx/UPS/DHL
- make schedules for meeting
- make calls for confirmations or book conference rooms
Does it really need a course for this stuff?
So, here's a posting for "Administrative Assistant"
What you bring:
* Business administration background and/or Administrative Secretarial course.
* Post-secondary education is considered an asset.
* 3 years of experience performing similar duties.
* Requires in-depth knowledge of various computer applications (Windows XP, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Access, GroupWise, Visio).
* Knowledge of COMPANY is an asset.
* Highly developed administrative and organizational skills.
* Advanced written and oral communication skills.
* Professional reserve and diplomacy.
* Ability to deal efficiently and effectively with sensitive situations.
* Ability to work with minimal supervision.
* Excellent organizational skills, solid decision, sense of initiative.
* Accuracy and attention to detail.
* Teamwork and interpersonal skills.
* Ability to prioritize and handle multiple tasks.
* Excellent initiative and problem-solving skills.
* Ability to work under pressure, meeting deadlines, a sense of priorities.
* Must be able to work overtime as needed.
Let's start with the FIRST line... there are things called Administrative Secretarial courses!? What do you learn in these course?? How to answer a phone? How to fix printer? How to greet people at the desk? How to use Purolator/FedEx for shipping? How to photocopy paper? How to make coffee for other people at the office? Really, do you even NEED secretarial training? And if you do, you probably don't have the social attitude for it anyway. And do you REALLY need 3 years of experience in administration?
Here's what comes to my mind when I see "Administrative Assistant"
- answer the phone
- reply emails
- probably make coffee in the morning if you're one of the first in the office
- photocopy paper
- send fax
- make shipment via postal outlet or Purolator/FedEx/UPS/DHL
- make schedules for meeting
- make calls for confirmations or book conference rooms
Does it really need a course for this stuff?
Friday, May 28, 2010
Job Search Rejections
Let me ask you this question... what the hell does it mean when "although we were impressed with your application, we decided to pursue other candidates"
Please, if you get someone who's not qualified, do not send them an email. I'd rather not hear from you then to get your generic email. First, what the hell did you mean by "we were impressed?" If you were impressed by someone, doesn't it mean you want to the person? How can you be impressed with someone but don't want to see them?
Here is an example... word by word...
"Your qualifications are impressive and no doubt a strong reflection of the knowledge and experience you would bring to any organization. However at this point in time, we are proceeding with a couple of other candidates that more closely meet our requirements.
Your profile will continue to reside in our database. We encourage you to continue visiting our website for new opportunities."
As I said before, how can you be "impressed" but still reject them? It's almost like telling a loved one, "I really love you and I know you'll bring joy to my life. However, at this time, I have found someone else." WTF? Why do company send these terrible rejection letters? These types of email just makes me want to puke.
You know the saying, if you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all. If you're going to reject someone, just don't send them an email.
Please, if you get someone who's not qualified, do not send them an email. I'd rather not hear from you then to get your generic email. First, what the hell did you mean by "we were impressed?" If you were impressed by someone, doesn't it mean you want to the person? How can you be impressed with someone but don't want to see them?
Here is an example... word by word...
"Your qualifications are impressive and no doubt a strong reflection of the knowledge and experience you would bring to any organization. However at this point in time, we are proceeding with a couple of other candidates that more closely meet our requirements.
Your profile will continue to reside in our database. We encourage you to continue visiting our website for new opportunities."
As I said before, how can you be "impressed" but still reject them? It's almost like telling a loved one, "I really love you and I know you'll bring joy to my life. However, at this time, I have found someone else." WTF? Why do company send these terrible rejection letters? These types of email just makes me want to puke.
You know the saying, if you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all. If you're going to reject someone, just don't send them an email.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Bryan Marchment Autograph

Back in 2003, I worked for a catering company at the Molson Indy Toronto. I think it was Sunday that there was this guy that walked to our beer tent. One look and I knew it was Bryan Marchment. He had a distinctive broken nose that he got from playing in the NHL. It's not often (for me) that an NHL player would drop by where you were working. So, I wanted an autograph and the only thing I had was my worker pass and he signed it :) I didn't have a camera to take a photo but I remember. I think he had like 3 beers that day courtesy of the manager probably...
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
I hate rush hour
Can anyone give me a legitimate reason for traffic jam during rush hours? Because it annoys the hell outta me that I'm driving on 401 from one end of Toronto to the other and we have slow down in around the 427 to 400, and from Allen to 404/DVP. Now, I can see why traffic jam happens when 400 or 404/DVP traffic merge onto 401 but really why should there be traffic jam in any other area?
But what annoys me even more are the stupid people that decided to SLOW DOWN AND LOOK AT SOMETHING THAT JUST HAPPENED ON THE SHOULDER. Buddy, it's just someone pulled over, or just some accident. WHY are you slowing down to look? Would you like people to look at YOU when you do something stupid like that?
Oh, and if you DO go on the highway and not keeping up with traffic, do EVERYONE a favour and STAY ON THE RIGHT SIDE of the lane. Don't drive 80km/h and hog up the left lane. YOU cause more accident driving THAT slow then people driving according to the traffic speed.
And I propose one thing that could ease up traffic, I propose a BAN on trucks on high way during rush hours, 7am to 9am and 4pm to 7pm. If ban is not a good idea then I propose that they are restricted to the right lane ONLY. No lane change, no express.
But what annoys me even more are the stupid people that decided to SLOW DOWN AND LOOK AT SOMETHING THAT JUST HAPPENED ON THE SHOULDER. Buddy, it's just someone pulled over, or just some accident. WHY are you slowing down to look? Would you like people to look at YOU when you do something stupid like that?
Oh, and if you DO go on the highway and not keeping up with traffic, do EVERYONE a favour and STAY ON THE RIGHT SIDE of the lane. Don't drive 80km/h and hog up the left lane. YOU cause more accident driving THAT slow then people driving according to the traffic speed.
And I propose one thing that could ease up traffic, I propose a BAN on trucks on high way during rush hours, 7am to 9am and 4pm to 7pm. If ban is not a good idea then I propose that they are restricted to the right lane ONLY. No lane change, no express.
Are you a RPG, FPS or RTS person?
Each genre of game provide an interesting add to life.
I think life itself is an RPG. You work to gain experience (like leveling up) to become better (stronger). The only except is you do not run around with swords and/or magic staff to kill people. It would be awesome to have the ability to turn your boss into a sheep or a toad.
I play a lot of FPS. My favourite aspect of FPS is weapons that don't exist. I'm not much of a fan of war FPS like Call of Duty as I play the game to get away from reality and hence why I find it more fun to play Quake Live. Now, I wouldn't want to live a life where I am trying to survive but wouldn't it be cool to have a lightning gun? Alternatively, some of these games' physic engine are build so that the more hop and jump you do, the more speed you game. Do triple-jump athlete game speed while running and jump?
So, back to weapons... another favourite game of mine is Ratche & Clank series on Playstation 2 & 3. I really don't need to explain, just watch the following commercial.
I think life itself is an RPG. You work to gain experience (like leveling up) to become better (stronger). The only except is you do not run around with swords and/or magic staff to kill people. It would be awesome to have the ability to turn your boss into a sheep or a toad.
I play a lot of FPS. My favourite aspect of FPS is weapons that don't exist. I'm not much of a fan of war FPS like Call of Duty as I play the game to get away from reality and hence why I find it more fun to play Quake Live. Now, I wouldn't want to live a life where I am trying to survive but wouldn't it be cool to have a lightning gun? Alternatively, some of these games' physic engine are build so that the more hop and jump you do, the more speed you game. Do triple-jump athlete game speed while running and jump?
So, back to weapons... another favourite game of mine is Ratche & Clank series on Playstation 2 & 3. I really don't need to explain, just watch the following commercial.
The START button
Ever wonder what would happen if life was a game? It could be a good thing and a bad thing.
So, for this first blog I will start with the START button (yes, PUN was intended)
The START button.
For any console games, when you press the start button, it pauses the game. How handy is that?
Need a pee break? Press START.
Stuck and need help? Press START.
Now, if you can put life on START. You are heading off to work for a meeting. Wouldn't it be nice that if you're nervous and you can press START and PAUSE it for a bit. When you're ready to continue, press START again.
Wouldn't it be nice while in that meeting, someone ask you a question that you are not sure how to answer, you can press START to pause that moment and head to a computer to google? When you find the answer, press START and resume. It would be seamless.
Alternatively, when you press the START button, a menu pops up. It is the option within the game.
Options: Sound, video, game difficulty.
Well hello, look what we have here - GAME DIFFICULTY. Life's too hard? Let's put it on VERY EASY. Not interesting enough? Put it on HARD. Still not interesting enough? Try NIGHTMARE or GOD. Just don't cry foul when you changed to GOD difficulty.
I would love to adjust the volume around me. If you've ever been to a Chinese restaurant, it is always loud. It would be ideal to be able to turn down the sound or be able to adjust the music and SFX. Or even better if you have someone who just talks and talks and you can just mute them while you nod. And what should I make of the VIDEO option? Too sunny? Turn down brightness. Afraid of the dark? Turn up the brightness and gamma ratio.
Save game could come in handy. Because if you run into any difficult spot, you can always LOAD GAME from the last save point. Had an exam that you failed? Now that you know the answers, it would be nice to LOAD from the previous SAVE point that was before the exam. At least, I hope you SAVED it as you were heading into the exam. Or you can just QUIT and come back to the last SAVE point when you are ready.
So, if you have a START button. What would be your favourite part?
So, for this first blog I will start with the START button (yes, PUN was intended)
The START button.
For any console games, when you press the start button, it pauses the game. How handy is that?
Need a pee break? Press START.
Stuck and need help? Press START.
Now, if you can put life on START. You are heading off to work for a meeting. Wouldn't it be nice that if you're nervous and you can press START and PAUSE it for a bit. When you're ready to continue, press START again.
Wouldn't it be nice while in that meeting, someone ask you a question that you are not sure how to answer, you can press START to pause that moment and head to a computer to google? When you find the answer, press START and resume. It would be seamless.
Alternatively, when you press the START button, a menu pops up. It is the option within the game.
Options: Sound, video, game difficulty.
Well hello, look what we have here - GAME DIFFICULTY. Life's too hard? Let's put it on VERY EASY. Not interesting enough? Put it on HARD. Still not interesting enough? Try NIGHTMARE or GOD. Just don't cry foul when you changed to GOD difficulty.
I would love to adjust the volume around me. If you've ever been to a Chinese restaurant, it is always loud. It would be ideal to be able to turn down the sound or be able to adjust the music and SFX. Or even better if you have someone who just talks and talks and you can just mute them while you nod. And what should I make of the VIDEO option? Too sunny? Turn down brightness. Afraid of the dark? Turn up the brightness and gamma ratio.
Save game could come in handy. Because if you run into any difficult spot, you can always LOAD GAME from the last save point. Had an exam that you failed? Now that you know the answers, it would be nice to LOAD from the previous SAVE point that was before the exam. At least, I hope you SAVED it as you were heading into the exam. Or you can just QUIT and come back to the last SAVE point when you are ready.
So, if you have a START button. What would be your favourite part?
Thursday, February 25, 2010
I've been doing some looking and digging in my house and found that I have a lot of collectibles. It is more like collections of collections... Some may be valuable, some may not.
I'll go into more details in other posts but here's a general overview of what I found...
Coin collection... I like money but didn't think I could have coins hiding everywhere...
Trading cards... Hockey, baseball, basketball, Xena...
Autographs... TV and sports people
Stamps... yes, that still exist!!
Cups/Mugs... like those you get from McDonalds
Ty Beanie Babies... lol, yes, I did collect them
I'm sure there's something else missing... but that's ALL I can think of at the moment.
I'll go into more details in other posts but here's a general overview of what I found...
Coin collection... I like money but didn't think I could have coins hiding everywhere...
Trading cards... Hockey, baseball, basketball, Xena...
Autographs... TV and sports people
Stamps... yes, that still exist!!
Cups/Mugs... like those you get from McDonalds
Ty Beanie Babies... lol, yes, I did collect them
I'm sure there's something else missing... but that's ALL I can think of at the moment.
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