Friday, May 28, 2010

Job Search Rejections

Let me ask you this question... what the hell does it mean when "although we were impressed with your application, we decided to pursue other candidates"

Please, if you get someone who's not qualified, do not send them an email. I'd rather not hear from you then to get your generic email. First, what the hell did you mean by "we were impressed?" If you were impressed by someone, doesn't it mean you want to the person? How can you be impressed with someone but don't want to see them?

Here is an example... word by word...

"Your qualifications are impressive and no doubt a strong reflection of the knowledge and experience you would bring to any organization. However at this point in time, we are proceeding with a couple of other candidates that more closely meet our requirements.

Your profile will continue to reside in our database. We encourage you to continue visiting our website for new opportunities."

As I said before, how can you be "impressed" but still reject them? It's almost like telling a loved one, "I really love you and I know you'll bring joy to my life. However, at this time, I have found someone else." WTF? Why do company send these terrible rejection letters? These types of email just makes me want to puke.

You know the saying, if you have nothing good to say, say nothing at all. If you're going to reject someone, just don't send them an email.