So, it's another year and another "will I be going or not?"
My first reaction was wait and see. After hearing that another con will have Lost Girl guest, it was unlikely any Lost Girl cast will be in Toronto... *buzzer sound* Wrong.
My initial reaction was a bit of a surprise and disappointment. This year's Lost Girl guests were Paul Amos, Rachel Skarsten, Anna Silk and Kris Holden-Ried. To be honest, it's not a bad line up... but really, you want the whole cast... Alas, Lost Girl wins again...
First, they had announced Ted Raimi and Bruce Campbell. You know, Joxer and Autolycus from Xena? Then I saw Trish Stratus and Amy Dumas from WWE... Then I saw Jason David Frank, whose game is Tommy, the Green Ranger but he had to cancel.
Still, I wasn't sure if I really wanted to know. Yup, Lost Girl won... So, I bought the one day pass. I didn't get any autographs or pictures this year but the Fan Expo has been so over crowded and they keep over selling the event that once you get in, DO NOT LEAVE THE BUILDINGS!
But hey, how about some pictures?

And then Aaron Ashmore...
Now, the Lost Girl Q&A starts at 4:30 but... they were already lining up at like 2pm... Yes, 2.5 HOURS BEFORE THE EVENT STARTS! WE ARE SOME CRAZY PEOPLE!!
I'm checking to see if the video is available... right now, the video is on private. But in the mean time, tweets from the events were available here.
Of course, I will include pictures.
We were given THIS teaser to start. This is a scene from season 5... Tamsin... cheerleader? What's not to love? Here is a great line from this scene:
Tamsin: Gimme a D! Gimme a Y! Gimme a... suck my balls!"
All I have to say is Priceless, Classic, Tamsin!
I don't even know how to recap this... As you already know season 5 will be the last season. They talked about what will happen in season 5 and the themes will be family. A lot of the emotions from season 4 (Hale and Kenzi's death) will carry over and will affect them differently.
There will still be character development... but I think we got distracted by Rachel's choice of clothing... it looks like Star Trek...
Just in case it's not clear... here's a close up!
Because it is the last season, each member was asked what they would take with them when the show ends... There were non-Lost Girl related questions... in a Zombie attack, who would not survive... Paul quickly answered Rachel is clumsy and Anna's too nice which I have to say it's true.
We then had some twitter questions... What show do you want to see a cross over with Lost Girl. Somehow, Orange is the New Black was mentioned... Kris screamed "there's no part for me in the show."
Anna does sincerely love the fans. She got emotional and got weepy. Kris chimed in "the show wouldn't exist without you. Thank You!"
The Q&A ended with a selfie.
But how about we see it from the other angle. I'm not sure if it came from Paul or Rachel's phone but does it matter? It is awesome!
Quite a few of us (12 to be exact) had dinner together. It's always nice to catch up with friends you've made. Lost Girl has been a worldwide phenomenon... We had an Aussie at our table who did come to Canada for this event.
Hopefully I can get the video link for you. But for now, pictures and words are the best I can do.