Friday, December 3, 2010

Sins of the Past

The first episode of Xena... I absolutely love this episode and can't really find a flaw in it.

Love the opening scene. It opens with a distinctive instrument. I think it's a double reed shawm, it is loud and sharp sound. As Xena rides, we get flashback episodes from Hercules. It worked nicely. I guess the producers assumed you had already seen the "Xena Trilogy" in the first season of Hercules so, not much is said until Xena hears a sound from a burnt house in which a kid comes out and ask for food. The kid explains that his parents were killed by Xena who "came out of the sky in a chariot."

Here's the first scene, I don't really get. Xena, feeling somewhat responsible, just tosses down a wrapped item. The kid opens the item to find a piece of bread (or cheese, some half circle) and smiles back as Xena rides away. Problem: the way the kid is smiling seems odd, it wasn't a "thank you" smile but more of the "oh yes, i tricked you, haha" smile.

Xena had already decided to give up fighting and began burying her equipment. My problem here is, does that white undergarment REALLY fit underneath that leather? I think not! Anyway, while in this "goodbye, warrior princess" look she hears sounds and "hides" behind the bush. We are finally introduced to the character Gabrielle. She decided to risk her life so the others could be free. Of course, Xena comes in a save the day and the first time we hear the infamous battle cry.

Skipping ahead...

Next scene that I enjoy is the cyclop scene with Xena and then a later with Gabrielle. I love how they used 2 different angles on the shot. The cyclop standing close to the camera while Xena/Gabrielle are standing far away. By the way, did anyone notice how Xena called her horse a boy as she went over the bridge?

The scene between Xena and her mother is very touching. You see the hate and the love at the same time. Xena tried to explain Draco is going attack the village but no one would listen and a mob is gathered.

Best line of the episode?

"What? Is one woman too much for you? Let me even the odds, one UNarmed woman might be more to your taste."

As Xena is about to be stoned by her people, Gabrielle arrives. I love how she use false logic to convince the villages.

"Let's say you're right and she's Draco buddy, let's even make her his girlfriend. You think Draco is bad news now? What would happen if he hears you knocked off his woman? Boy, it gives me the creeps to even think about it."

In the next scene, we see Xena visiting her dead brother. What I do find odd is Gabrielle following Xena INTO the catacomb/chamber. Seriously, it's a private moment and Gabrielle just decided that she can just come in. But of course...

Xena: It's hard to be alone
Gabrielle: You're not alone.

My favourite scene of the episode is probably the ladder fight between Draco and Xena. Awesome soundtrack, awesome fighting choreograph aaaannnd fighting on heads... and happy ending.

Campfire secene at the end was a nice touch.

Xena: It's not easy proving you're a different person.

The episode ends on a positive note:

Xena: You know where I'm headed, there'll be trouble.
Gabrielle: I know.
Xena: So why would you want to go into that with me?
Gabrielle: That's what friends do, they stand by each other when there's trouble.
Xena: Alright, friend.

I've watched this episode so many times and still love it. I'm not sure how else the episodes can be done differently...

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