Friday, April 1, 2011

Job Requirements

Have anyone ever noticed how ridiculous some of the requirement for some jobs are?

I remember reading an article how some job states "x years of experience" is just Years of Irrelevance but when you look at a position like this, it is somewhat a ridiculous request.

For example:
- 3+ years reception experience
- some AP or accounting background/experience
- Must have some experience with Word and Excel
- Excellent communication

I find the "3+ years reception experience" is not only ridiculous but laughable. Anyone can do the reception job. There is no particular skill set needed to be a receptionist other then the fact you need to be able to work with others, take instruction and communicate.

Some jobs like a technician or doctor does require the experience which make lots of sense since they require not only knowledge but the skills gained through the years. So, here's a kicker: To get a job, you need experience. To get experience, you need a job.

Companies should want QUALITY and not QUANTITY. Just because someone has the 5 years of experience doesn't mean they are the right person for a job. Can you imagine someone who has been manager for over 5 years but doesn't understand the first thing about working with people and all they know is the boss people around? I think we have seen way too many of those people - you probably know someone like that, possibly your boss.

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