Monday, March 22, 2010

The START button

Ever wonder what would happen if life was a game? It could be a good thing and a bad thing.

So, for this first blog I will start with the START button (yes, PUN was intended)

The START button.

For any console games, when you press the start button, it pauses the game. How handy is that?

Need a pee break? Press START.
Stuck and need help? Press START.

Now, if you can put life on START. You are heading off to work for a meeting. Wouldn't it be nice that if you're nervous and you can press START and PAUSE it for a bit. When you're ready to continue, press START again.

Wouldn't it be nice while in that meeting, someone ask you a question that you are not sure how to answer, you can press START to pause that moment and head to a computer to google? When you find the answer, press START and resume. It would be seamless.

Alternatively, when you press the START button, a menu pops up. It is the option within the game.


Options: Sound, video, game difficulty.

Well hello, look what we have here - GAME DIFFICULTY. Life's too hard? Let's put it on VERY EASY. Not interesting enough? Put it on HARD. Still not interesting enough? Try NIGHTMARE or GOD. Just don't cry foul when you changed to GOD difficulty.

I would love to adjust the volume around me. If you've ever been to a Chinese restaurant, it is always loud. It would be ideal to be able to turn down the sound or be able to adjust the music and SFX. Or even better if you have someone who just talks and talks and you can just mute them while you nod. And what should I make of the VIDEO option? Too sunny? Turn down brightness. Afraid of the dark? Turn up the brightness and gamma ratio.

Save game could come in handy. Because if you run into any difficult spot, you can always LOAD GAME from the last save point. Had an exam that you failed? Now that you know the answers, it would be nice to LOAD from the previous SAVE point that was before the exam. At least, I hope you SAVED it as you were heading into the exam. Or you can just QUIT and come back to the last SAVE point when you are ready.

So, if you have a START button. What would be your favourite part?

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