Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I got kicked out of a department store...

But it is not what you think...

It was Sunday, August 21 2011, my friend had BBM me 9 in the morning and asked if I wanted to go for dim sum. Sure, why not?

So, I get to her house and she was not ready. Fine, I'll take the time to search for a restaurant that's IN the area. Nothing. The closet one was near the airport at Doubletree by Hilton or out in Mississauga. We decided on the Doubletree...

Dim sum was good. The restaurant was good but perhaps a bit expensive but considering what we ordered... I was satisfied except for the parking. However, it is airport area and paying for parking is a norm...

After our lunch, she wanted to get sandals. I thought we were heading to Vaughan Mills but instead we went to a small mall close to where she lives, Yorkgate Mall (in the Jane/Finch area). As we were driving on the highway, I did notice the dark cloud but ignored the fact.

We get to the mall and she didn't find what she was looking for at a store called Payless (what I like to call "cheaply made shoes pretending to be nice" store), so I suggested we try Zellers (not that much better since they'll be turning into Targets).

While at Zellers, I heard the thunder and rain and was glad I had my umbrella. I went to the electronics department hoping to find some cheap stuff.

PA: "Attention all customers, please proceed to the front of the store... ... ... ..."

That's all I heard and I ignored it.

Friend: "What did it say?"
Me: "Something about going to the front..."

As I was browsing,
Store Clerk: "Yea, it happens all the time."
Elderly gentleman in a suit with his family said, "Can I help carry the TV out?"

I still had no clue what's going on, just looking for a deal...

A different store clerk: "I'm sorry but we need you to be at the front of the store because the store is flooding..."

Me: "Ok..."

Friend: "What? Did he say flooding?" Laughs.

We walked to the front cashier and to the left there was a pillar with water at the bottom. You can also hear a water vaccum turned on. A few step close to the cashier, I looked left and in the clothing department, more water on the floor.

Quickly on twitter and facebook...

"Getting kicked out of Zellers not because we stole something... but because the store is flooding..."

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